Easy 30 Day Glow Up Challenge


✨ Welcome to a super easy, 30 Day Glow Up Challenge! ✨

This is how you can give yourself a total body glow up transformation in 30 days:

  • Sleep 8 hours nightly 😴
  • Meditate for 10 minutes upon waking 🙏🏼
  • Drink 2L minimum water per day (high pH if possible) 💦
  • Get 20 minutes of sun daily ☀️
  • Reduce sugar intake (ideally NO sugar if possible!) 🚫
  • Read for 30 minutes a day something NOT online (newspaper articles, books, even magazines… Stay off the screen and pick up something made of paper) 📚
  • Reduce overall screen time by 1 hour per day. (Go into your phone’s app settings – you can set it to tell you how long you’ve spent on each app). 👩🏽‍💻
  • Exercise 3x week for 30-60 minutes (even something simple like a brisk walk while holding hand weights counts!) 🏃🏻‍♀️
  • Eat portions of fruit and vegetables daily. (especially the dark ones which are highest in nutrients and antioxidants) 🥬
  • Wash your face daily before bed. (don’t sleep in your makeup!) + moisturize after cleansing. 🧖🏼‍♀️
  • Go 1 day per week without makeup (if you wear makeup a lot!) 💆🏼‍♀️
  • Go 1 day per week without coffee (if you’re a coffee person!) – switch to hot green tea. 🍵
30 Day glow-up challenge

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