The $1.5 Trillion Secret That Will Take Down The Fashion Industry (Yes, Even Old Money brands like Hermès do NOT want women to know this!)

Have you ever found yourself standing in front of your overflowing closet, desperately searching for the perfect outfit? Your heart pounding with indecision, your beautiful face adorned with a furrowed brow. It’s a scene straight out of a fashion horror story! The heroine never makes it out of her apartment and into her life-changing, million-dollar pitch meeting, where she also somehow has a “first I hated you, then I fell in love with you,” romantic story arc that ends with her wedding to Mr. McDreamy on Lake Como, Italy, ALL BECAUSE SHE COULDN’T DECIDE WHAT TO WEAR.


But fear not, dear heroine. This will not be your style story, for I am here to illuminate the costly truth lurking behind your closet doors.


Our most expensive habit as women is not our love for adorable Jimmy Choo heels or supple Hermès handbags. No, my darlings, it is the absence of a personal sense of style that drains our pockets and frustrates our souls.

The  Trillion Secret That Will Take Down The Fashion Industry

Here’s the ugly truth: The fashion industry (yes, even an Old Money brand like Hermès) doesn’t ever want  you to truly feel confident about yourself. Because if you did, you wouldn’t keep buying trillions of dollars of new clothes every year.

Trends are cyclical, and if the fashion industry can keep you believing that you’re just not good enough until you have the latest $1,200 Prada handbag (which is a simple reproduction of the one the cool girl in high school had in 2001), then you’re just never going to be financially successful, never be noticed, never be happy, never have fabulous friends, a hot date, or a successful moment in your life.

By the end of 2022 the global fashion market was worth $1.53 trillion, and growing. There is no real incentive for the fashion industry to stop, because if they can continue convincing you that confidence is only purchased through MORE STUFF (and not cultivated from proven knowledge), they can keep you in a cycle of increasing discontent, dangling the latest trend in front of your raw emotions, lying to you that buying just ONE MORE luxury product will equal your success and happiness.

When we compare median income with credit card debt, we find that credit card debt accounts for 12.2% of a woman's salary and 10.3% of a man's salary. This difference indicates that while men have a higher average credit card balance, women's credit card debt is a larger financial burden.

Annuity also shares that the average credit card debt is nearly $6,000.

A percentage of the women reading this right now have credit card debt that includes fashion items. Imagine having $6,000 worth of clothes you don’t like, don’t look good on you, and will be “out” of fashion in 3 months, that you still haven’t paid off of your 33% interest rate store credit card.

But what if there was another way to get dressed every day? Imagine a world where you possess the confidence to effortlessly select clothes that make you feel like the stunning woman you are. A world where you no longer succumb to the whims of fleeting trends or waste your hard-earned dollars on garments that fail to fulfill the vision you had when you purchased them. Can you envision the freedom, the empowerment that lies within your reach?

Let me tell you a little secret, my lovely seekers of sartorial salvation. The key to unlocking your personal style potential lies within your understanding of your own unique body type. Embrace your curves, celebrate your height, and honor your individual proportions. For it is this knowledge that gives you the power to choose the clothes that flatter your figure, enhance your beauty, and exude an irresistible confidence.

You see, when we lack this crucial understanding, we find ourselves buying into trends that don’t truly serve us. We stumble upon a fashion fad, seduced by its allure, only to realize too late that it does not speak to our femininity or our distinct style. And so, the cycle continues. We dispose of the ill-fated garments, our hard-earned money gone with the wind, while our closets groan under the weight of clothes that never quite became “outfits.”

This is not just a matter of financial loss, credit card bills, and regret. It runs deeper than that. The consequences of not possessing a personal sense of style negatively permeates all aspects of our lives. A stressful and unpleasant experience awaits us in our closets, where indecision reigns and time slips away. This uncertainty spills over into our social lives, causing us to cancel plans, opt out of invitations, and even hide away from the world altogether.

Imagine the delightful turn of events when getting dressed becomes an enchanting journey rather than a dreaded chore! The confidence that blooms when every combination yields a captivating ensemble, perfectly suited to your unique personality and lifestyle. No longer will your closet be a source of anxiety, but a treasure trove of inspiration, waiting to be explored!

Now, my dearest seekers of style, I implore you to embrace your inner fashion muse. To learn the art of curating a wardrobe that speaks volumes about your identity and supports the life you aspire to live. Seek out the knowledge, the guidance, and the tools that will allow you to create a consistent, captivating, and undeniably feminine sense of personal style.

Investing in your sense of style is not about vanity. It is an investment in yourself, in your confidence, and in your ability to show up in the world as the strong, radiant woman you are. It is about honing your personal brand, expressing your individuality, and leaving an unforgettable impression on all those fortunate enough to cross your path.

So, let us embark on this beautiful journey together. Take my hand as we navigate the murky waters of fashion, armed with knowledge and adorned with confidence! Prepare yourselves for a life transformed, a world where your style becomes an extension of your brilliance and grace.

The price of indecision is high. But the rewards of unlocking your personal style potential are infinite. Dare to step into the spotlight of your own beauty and authenticity. It is there, amidst the whispers of the silk and the sparkle of the jewels, that you will find the truest version of yourself.

Remember, you possess the power to create a style that not only serves you for the lifestyle you currently lead, but also propels you towards the lifestyle you aspire to live. Embrace this power, harness it, and let your personal style become the ultimate expression of your magnificent soul.

Kiss goodbye your addiction to trends and embrace the cultivation of your own unique sense of fashion. It is time to break free from the chains of conformity and step into the realm of self-discovery. Allow me to share with you three invigorating ways to embark upon this enchanting path:

  1. To Thine Own Self, Be True: To cultivate a personal sense of style, one must start by exploring oneself. Dive into the depths of your own essence and unearth what truly captivates your heart and stirs your soul. Reflect on your personality, your passions, your dreams, and let these strands of your inner tapestry intertwine with your style choices. Do you possess a free-spirited nature? Embrace bohemian pieces that whisper of wanderlust. Are you an old soul with a penchant for sophistication? Embrace timeless classics and elegant silhouettes that exude poise and grace. Your style is an extension of your true self, so let it radiate your essence to the world.
  2. Seek Inspiration, Not Replication: Ah, the allure of trends, how they dazzle and tempt us! But fear not, for you are destined for something greater: cultivating a style that is uniquely yours. Seek inspiration from various sources – from art, nature, travel, and even fashion icons of the past. Study their choices, their boldness, and their ability to express their individuality through their attire. Ask yourself, “what is the story I want to tell through my style choices?” Let these muses ignite the fire of creativity within you, but resist the temptation to replicate their exact looks. Instead, reinvent and reinterpret, adding your own personal touch to create a harmonious blend of inspiration and authenticity.
  3. Quality Trumps Quantity: In this age of fast fashion and fleeting fads, it is crucial to remember that true style is not defined by the number of items in your wardrobe or the logos on their labels, but rather by the quality and craftsmanship of the pieces you choose. Say a firm, “goodbye” the notion of mindless consumerism and embrace the concept of mindful curation. Invest in classic pieces that will withstand the test of time, crafted with care and attention to detail. Savor the sensation of luxurious fabrics against your skin, relish in the meticulous tailoring that accentuates your unique physique. Remember, it is better to own a few prized possessions that bring you joy, than to be lost amidst a sea of disposable garments.

Let these three enlightened steps be your guiding stars as you navigate the vast world of fashion. Embrace thyself, seek inspiration, and prioritize quality. Cultivate your personal style with confidence, for you possess the power to create a legacy of fashion that is uniquely yours. Do not be afraid to step away from the trends, for it is in the realm of individuality where true style flourishes and where you shall find your fashion destiny

Do you want to access your next level of personal style savvy and confidence so you can stop missing out on the life you were meant to have? Enroll in the Confidence Course and never second-guess your fashion decisions again.

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Rachel Kennedy

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